The Clouds to the Core (C2C) program is an 8-week paid summer research opportunity in the geosciences specifically for students from tribal and community colleges around the southwestern US. This program is funded by the US National Science Foundation, and is based at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona.
The goal of C2C is to introduce students from 2-year colleges around the region to the many opportunities in a career in geosciences and the possibilities of transferring at the completion of their AA degree to the UA majoring in Geosciences.
Students accepted into the program will have an opportunity to work in world-class laboratories and in outdoor data collection on research projects with UA faculty. Our goal with this program is to increase the opportunities for under-represented and first-generation college students to enter the field of geosciences, specifically by giving you exposure to the excitement of being a geoscientist and helping you to navigate how to transfer to the UA after the completion of your AA degree.
Each C2C student will have their room and board costs at the UA covered and receive a $600/week stipend.
Student participants in C2C will work on one of the many research projects listed on this site with a UA faculty member and members of their laboratories. This is a great opportunity to learn about cutting-edge geosciences in a wide range of topics related to the general themes of geosciences in the southwestern US.
To participate in this REU, you must be:
A US Citizen, US National, or Permanent Resident.
Currently enrolled in a two-year Community College or a Tribal College.
Preference will be given to students from the southwestern US (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah); however, students from other regions are welcome to apply.
You must be at least 18 years old before May 10, 2025 (one month before the start of the program).
The application deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025.
C2C will run from June 9–August 1, 2025 (8 weeks).
The program will begin with a two-week orientation and project introduction period at the UA. During this time, you will learn about opportunities in geosciences, the UA campus, and its facilities. You will also get to know other students in your program, in the Geoscience Department, and specifically, the folks in the lab group you will be working with.
This will be followed by five weeks when you will be working on your research project with your faculty mentor.
During the last week of the program, you will work up your results for a public presentation to your peers, lab mates, and folks in the Department of Geosciences. Friends and family are welcome to attend!
Collaborating Community (CC) & Tribal Colleges (TC):
Arizona Western College, Yuma, AZ: Fred Croxen (Fred.Croxen@azwestern.edu)
Chandler/Gilbert CC, Chandler, AZ: Jeff Simpson (jeff.simpson@cgc.edu)
Coconino Community College, Flagstaff, AZ: Amelinda Webb (amelinda.webb@coconino.edu)
Diné College (TC), Tsaile, AZ: Kevin Webster (kwebster@dinecollege.edu)
Estrella Mountain CC, Avondale, AZ: Zach Kovach (zachary.kovach@estrellamountain.edu)
Northland Pioneer CC, Holbrook, AZ: David Smith (david.smith@npc.edu) & Evgeniy Kulakov (evgeniy.kulakov@npc.edu)
Paradise Valley CC, Phoenix, AZ: John Douglass (knickpoint@gmail.com)
Phoenix College, Phoenix, AZ: Abeer Hamdan (abeer.hamdan@phoenixcollege.edu) & Joseph Drosendahl (joseph.drosendahl@phoenixcollege.edu)
Pima CC, Tucson, AZ: Noah Fay (npfay@pima.edu), Paula Nasiatka (pnasiatka@pima.edu), Beverley Everson (bemorgan1@pima.edu)
San Carlos Apache College (TC), San Carlos, AZ: Lisa Eutsey (lisa.eutsey@scat-nsn.gov)
San Juan College CC, Farmington, NM: John Burris (burrisj@sanjuancollege.edu)
Scottsdale CC, Scottsdale, AZ: Merry Wilson (merry.wilson@scottsdalecc.edu)
South Mountain CC, Phoenix, AZ: Charlene Estrada (charlene.estrada@southmountaincc.edu)
Tohono O’odham CC/TC, Sells, AZ: Teresa Newberry (tnewberry@tocc.edu)